October Days to Remember 2023

Fall has arrived! Take some time out to get cozy and learn more about interesting holidays, awareness campaigns, cultural celebrations, and other days to remember this month. Happy reading, and as always, stay timely!

National Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 – October 15

The (often overlooked) histories and accomplishments of Hispanic and Latinx Americans take center stage during these four weeks. You might notice museums, cultural centers, and organizations nationwide holding events celebrating the culture. If you’d like to check out some online resources, here’s a good place to start. 

October 1 – 31

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Recognized by breast cancer organizations around the world, the goal of this month is to raise awareness of prevention, testing, and treatment of the disease and to support those affected. You will find various educational and fundraising activities taking place throughout the month. It’s important to remember that breast cancer affects everyone, all genders included! Here you’ll find some resources and ideas to get the word out. 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Everyone deserves a healthy relationship that is free from violence. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that, in the U.S., 20 partners experience physical abuse every minute. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, studies have shown a significant increase (per Vice, 99% increase) in intimate partner violence. Researchers have shown that lagging reproductive rights have tied individuals to abusive partners

Although many of these cases involve women with male abusers, intimate partner violence can occur in any kind of relationship, no matter the gender identity of the people involved. Learn how to better identify abusive behaviors by visiting The Hotline. If you are in a domestic violence situation in the U.S. and need help, please call 1.800.799.7233. If you are located in Europe and need help, please visit this site to find the best phone number to call.

LGBTQIA+ History Month

Do you know about Missourian Rodney Wilson? In 1994, he created LGBTQIA+ History Month. As a high school history teacher, he realized that schools often provided little to no information about the achievements and struggles of LGBTQIA+ Americans. His efforts led several school districts in the U.S. to begin teaching LGBTQIA+ history. Despite those advances, we’ve seen many setbacks over the past year, with nearly 500 political threats to LGBTQIA+ rights. Further, extremist groups have increased violence against the LGBTQIA+ community. Now, more than ever, we need more voices like Rodney Wilson’s. Here are a few organizations that help support the cause.  

National Family Sexuality Education Month

Oh, where to begin? First, let’s recognize there are so many challenges when it comes to school-based sex education in the U.S. As one example — and the biggest problem, of course — is that many school districts aren’t providing sex education to any of their students! This is where families can and should step in. Ideally, teaching about consent and sexuality should start in the home. In October, we support families who actively give their children accurate, age-appropriate sex education. And if you’re a parent or caregiver who is not already talking to their children, this is a great month to start! If you need a little help, here are some tips and resources

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month

The United States has a horrible record when it comes to maternal and infant health. Likewise, miscarriage and infant death also can be taboo topics. Keeping these topics out of conversation can potentially make it difficult for those affected to receive effective support. The overturning of Roe v. Wade will only increase this, much like what we’ve already seen exponential increases in domestic violence. This is why we must support individuals, couples, and families affected by pregnancy or infant loss. Let’s work to eliminate stigma from these issues for good. 

Specifically, October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, marked by the worldwide World of Light remembrance. Many Americans are only scratching the surface of conversations about how to improve maternal and infant health. This article may shine some light on the problem and potential solutions. 

Sunday, October 1

Same-Sex Couple Manonia Evans and Donna Burkett Apply for a Marriage License

In 1971, after couple Manonia Evans and Donna Burkett were refused a marriage license in Wisconsin, Burkett and Evans took their case to court. Although they lost their case, the two became the first Black same-sex couple in the U.S. to file court proceedings challenging their right to marry. Donna Burkett was recognized in her home state 43 years later for her pioneering lawsuit. Today, it seems the U.S. is stepping backward, which must not happen. The Supreme Court has already shown its intention to overturn same-sex marriage in the future.

World Vegetarian Day

The purpose of this day is to raise awareness around the benefits of vegetarianism and to encourage non-veggies to give it a try. That’s great! But on this day, we’re also thinking about the “veggiesexuals” out there. Want to partner with someone who shares your culinary values but aren’t sure where to look? Check out Grazer, or hit up a local Meetup group. 

Monday, October 2

Birth of Mahatma Gandhi (1869)

During his life, Mahatma Gandhi was both a lawyer and a politician. However, social justice advocates know him best for working for the freedom of Indian people during the British occupation of India. His nonviolent approach helped spur a movement, and his legacy influenced many, including Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While his efforts supporting Indian independence are admirable, but he also held racist views of African people. Social justice leaders need to understand and embrace the humanity of all people beyond the population they’re advocating for. Like Fannie Lou Hamer proclaimed, “nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” 

Monday, October 9

Indigenous Peoples Day

This day recognizes the achievements of Indigenous peoples in the U.S. and around the world. It also acknowledges the effects that colonization and displacement have had on these communities. Honor and learn more about Indigenous peoples’ acts of resistance. Activists like Tom Goldtooth have taken a stand in many arenas, including environmental and economic justice. From authors to artists to politicians, Indigenous peoples represent and bring awareness to their communities. Here are just a few famous Indigenous peoples: Deb Haaland (first Indigenous person to serve as cabinet secretary in Congress),  Sharice Davids (first openly LGBTQ+ Indigenous person in Congress), Marvel actor Zahn McClarnon, and many more.

Tuesday, October 10

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is a worldwide observation that raises awareness around mental health issues, eliminating stigma and advocating for better care and treatment. The theme this year is “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right.” According to the World Health Organization, death by suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15 to 19 year-olds and the 11th for all Americans. Younger populations being greatly affected seems to go hand in hand with stats that show Millennials and Gen Z have reported mental health concerns more than any other group. In fact, 48% of both groups experienced feeling more stressed since the pandemic, and that has only grown (learn more about the risk factors and warning signs). 

Suicide is preventable. If you or someone you know needs help, please don’t be afraid to reach out. If you’re in the U.S., please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. If you’re outside the U.S., please see this blog for a comprehensive list of suicide lifelines across the world. 

Wednesday, October 11

International Day of the Girl Child

Established by the United Nations in 2012, the aim of this day is to “highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face.” These needs and challenges include access to education, employment, and competent healthcare, among other issues. While the UN doesn’t specifically address it, we feel this day should be inclusive and include girls and oppressed children of all gender identities. Despite many years of growth, the U.S. has backtracked with recent abortion bans. UN experts have highlighted that these actions taken by the U.S. have dismantled 50 years of precedent in women’s rights.

National Coming Out Day

Founded in 1988, the original goal of this day was to combat homophobia by encouraging lesbian and gay people to come out to their loved ones (the idea being that if someone personally knows someone who is gay or lesbian, they are less likely to be homophobic). Now, we also use this day to show solidarity with LGBTQIA+ folks and to recognize the challenges that some in the community continue to face in living an “out” life.  

Saturday, October 14

First Gay Rights March on Washington, D.C. (1979)

This march marked the first large-scale national march of LGBTQIA+ folks. Like the civil rights march that inspired it, the organizers presented a set of civil rights demands. These included passing a civil rights bill for LGBTQIA+ folks; and ending legalized discrimination on local and federal levels with regard to employment, housing, and protection for LGBTQIA+ youth, among other demands. While Congress didn’t initially take action in many areas, due to the resulting media attention and increased community activism, most consider the march a success. 

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Receives the Nobel Peace Prize

On this date in 1964, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his commitment to nonviolent protest of racial injustice. At just 35 years old, in 1964 he was the youngest person to ever receive this award. 

Sunday, October 15

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

The main goal of this day is to increase awareness around HIV prevention, testing, and treatment for the nation’s Latinx community. In addition, nonprofits, health departments, government officials, and community leaders work together to increase the capacity of health practitioners to increase their outreach and deliver effective care to this community. Learn more at nlaad.org.

National Mammography Day

Self-exams and testing are crucial to detecting and early treatment of breast cancer. On this day — and always — learn more about what mammograms are and how they assist in breast cancer prevention. Get screened! Learn more about low-cost or free screenings. 

Tuesday, October 17

International Day for the Eradication Of Poverty

The United Nations established this awareness day in 1992. The goal? To increase awareness around how and why millions of people around the world live in poverty — and how poverty affects a person’s health, political and social capital, and security. In the U.S., we understand that systemic barriers due to gender, race, class, and disability can have huge effects on earning potential (look no further than the various yearly EqualPayDays as evidence).

Saturday, October 21

Nazi Ordinance Bans Obscene Writings, Illustrations, and Performances

Reportedly, this is the date that the Nazi government instituted an ordinance banning art of all kinds due to “obscenity” (note: the year of this ordinance is unclear). Like all totalitarian governments, much of what Nazis found “offensive” were ideas that ran counter to their narrative. This “anniversary” is a sobering reminder that:

  1. We should always fight fascism! And, 
  2. It reminds us to be aware of what is currently considered “obscene” within our own government and to be willing to protect each other when necessary.

World Values Day

World Values Day is, officially, “an annual campaign to increase the awareness and practice of values around the world.” At FUNKY BROWN CHICK, Inc., we enjoy sharing this information about various awareness days and significant events, and we do it with a purpose. Our sincere hope is that you learn more about the meaning behind these days and incorporate these values into your work or personal life. Feel free to let us know how we’re doing!

Thursday, October 26

Nazis Create the “Reich Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality“

Nazis established this department in 1936 in order to gather data on and punish those suspected to be LGBTQIA+. Additionally, the office also punished women who had or attempted to have abortions. As Nazis considered both abortion and homosexuality “offenses” that limited Aryan birth rates, they especially targeted people in either of these groups. Now, particularly in the U.S., we see history repeating itself with growing anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation. It is crucial that we take a stand against this hateful legislation.

Intersex Awareness Day

On this day, we ensure that the voices of intersex people around the world are heard. Take part in grassroots actions to educate people on what it actually means to be “intersex,” with a goal to eliminate the stigma and silence around intersex people’s issues. Intersex individuals are often forgotten but are greatly impacted by anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation and threats to gender-affirming care

Tuesday, October 31


You’ve reached the end of the month — hooray! Celebrate by doing something fun for this festive holiday. Enjoy your Halloween, and we’ll see you next month!

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